A Simple Act of Kindness Can Change a Child's Life!

2024 Operational Expenses

2024 Operational Expenses
  • Location: Euless, TX
  • Deadline: May 30, 2024
  • Status: Current
  • Goal: $16,900.00
  • Raised: $0.00
  • Project Manager: Evan Islam

All organizations need funds to run their oprations... So do we. We have some aggressive goals to achieve and to do so, we need funds to continue our operation. Please help us by donating to our yearly expenses. 

Here is the budget breakdown for 2024:

Item Yearly
BD Salary $8,840.00
Local Office Rent $1,260.00
BD Branding Material $100.00
Activity Program Expenses $100.00
BD Company Formation $1,500.00
Marketing Collateral $300.00
Fobana Booth $1,000.00
Fobana Travel Expense $1,000.00
Other Shows $1,000.00
Other Travel Expense $1,000.00
CPA/Legal USA $300.00
Misc $500.00
2024 Total Expense $16,900.00

If you are a corporate donor, we will highlight your business (logo) on this page. 


Donate for 2024 Opera...