A Simple Act of Kindness Can Change a Child's Life!

Eid Gifts for the Sponsored Children

Eid Gifts for the Sponsored Children
  • Location: Bangladesh
  • Deadline: Apr 25, 2022
  • Status: Completed
  • Goal: $307.80
  • Raised: $307.80
  • Project Manager: Nadira Haque

Eid is the time of celebration and sharing happiness with everyone. On this Eid, let’s spread some happiness among our sponsored children. We intend to provide some Eid gifts to our sponsored children. 


These children were included in our sponsorship program because of the financial situation of their families. Most of these children were dropouts as their parents could not afford to pay their educational expenses. Now, with the help of our sponsors, they are back in school. Nonetheless, they still face financial hardship. They can barely afford the things that are absolutely necessary for living. Anything other than those is considered a luxury for them. Whereas other kids have platefuls of various foods when they break their fasts during Ramadan or wear colorful new dresses on Eid, these kids break their fasts with whatever they have at home or have only two or three dresses for the whole year. So, this Eid, we want to share some happiness with these kids and give them some gifts for Eid. 


However, this is not going to be easy without your support. So, help us as much as you can so that we can make this Eid memorable for these children. 


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