(Mohakhali Sattala Slum, Dhaka)
Moriam is doing very well in our program. Since being sponsored, she has been attending tuition classes and madrasa classes. These helped her to improve in her studies a lot. She did not only improve in her studies, but she has also grown up to be a wonderful person. She enthusiastically participates in the activities and helps other kids as well. Moriam is very appreciative of her sponsor and wants to keep doing well to make her sponsor proud. We are very happy to be a part of her journey.
Moriam is a high-spirited girl with lots of dreams. She wants to study and do a job to lift some pressure off of her parents. Her father is an auto-rickshaw driver and her mother is a maidservant. When her mother lost all her jobs during the pandemic they had to rely on the little income of her father and the money they had saved to maintain the family. After the lockdowns were lifted, Moriam's parents thought they would have easy days ahead as her mother got a job again. However, it didn't last long as her father suddenly lost his job. Now that they don't have any more savings, they are really worried about how they are going to maintain the family. On top of that, all schools have reopened after the lockdown and now demanding the fees for the whole year. For Moriam's parents, it is almost impossible to pay that much money for their children all at once. Without any help, Moriam might have to stop her schooling forever. Her dreams of doing a proper job will be diminished if that happens. A sponsorship will really help her parents to keep her in school and give her the opportunity all children deserve for a better future.