(Mohakhali Sattala Slum, Dhaka)
Rabeya's final results came out recently. Seeing how well she did in the exam, makes us happy that she got the sponsorship. Otherwise such a brilliant student like her would not be able to achieve her full potential. Rabeya is very grateful to her sponsor, Tashfiq Shah, for helping to keep her dreams alive. She is determined not to let her sponsor down. She works really hard and manages her studies, the activities we set for the children and also helps her mother. It is a joy to see her in her most energetic version. We are really proud of her.
Rabeya is a shy girl, who spends most of her time helping her mother at home. Whenever she has time to be an actual carefree 15-year-old, she likes to draw and do art. When asked why she doesn't go to school, we found out that the school would no longer accept her because her school fees couldn’t be paid. The pandemic left Rabeya’s parents in a tough financial position as they have 3 young children to support. Rabeya's father, who is a rickshaw puller, can barely maintain the family expenses with his little income. In this situation, paying the school fees is very far-fetched so as of now all 3 children are out of school. Unfortunately, if a girl can not continue her education, society will eventually push her to get married in hopes for a better life. If Rabeya could get a sponsorship we could help her achieve her dream of becoming a teacher and she could successfully avoid early marriage.